Wednesday 25 June 2014

Potato Peelings and Sentimental Feelings....

So somewhat frustrated with the severe lack of quality greeting cards that are on sale these days. My good friend Oswald Rutager and I have set up our own company 'Potato Print Productions' in order to produce a line of quality cards that serve as an alternative to the majority of below par cards that are on the market. Greeting cards that aren't just adorned with standard generic meaningless sentiment. Cards that don't, as our CEO, Indonesia McInnerny says, "Say fuckin' nothing, to nobody, 'bout no one". Cards you wouldn't be ashamed to give to friends, relative's, co-workers or the terminally ill. 

We've been hard at work on this new project, so without further ado, here is a selection of cards from the 'Potato Print Productions' range.... 




We're also proud to announce that 'Potato Print Productions' will be producing short runs of cards to cater for 'minority social occasions'. The type of occasions the major card manufacturers, on a general basis, just don't tend to cater to. Here for example, is a card for those of you who wish to commemorate dumping your partner on their twenty seventh birthday..... 

If you find that any of the above cards meet your 'socially obligated' needs and are suitably sentimental for your most treasured of family and personal occasions. They can be found as part of a much wider selection of cards available for purchase at....

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